medium_4008231058Chances are you have a personal Facebook or Twitter account, and chances are your organization has one too. But are you personally engaging with your organization’s social media accounts? Or do you leave that to someone else?

While it is a good idea to delegate social media responsibilities to select employees, don’t excuse yourself from them entirely. Check in regularly to make sure everything’s going smoothly and—more important—to engage with fans and followers yourself.

Here are a couple ways to connect that take only minutes a day:

Respond personally to customer questions and complaints. Take advantage of the public nature of Facebook and Twitter. Imagine the impact of this response to a customer’s complaint message on your organization’s wall:

“Hi, Chris. I apologize for the delay in your order. I want you to know that I’m taking care of this personally. What’s the best way to reach you?  ~John Smith, Manager of Sales”

Not only will Chris be surprised and pleased to hear directly from a manager, but all of your fans will see just how much you value customer service. That’s great publicity!

“Like” and comment on employees’ posts. When team members post on your organization’s Facebook page or blogs, respond by adding your own insight with a comment or “liking” the post. Not only will you be increasing the interaction on your organization’s sites, but you’ll also be rewarding your staff for their good work.

How active are you in your organization’s social media presence?

[Photo credit:]

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